
מתוך The Phnomenologic Cage
קפיצה אל: ניווט, חיפוש

Cuban Vegas Robaina - A Cuban cigar just isn't being a vegetable or fruit or bread which tastes the best when taken fresh. A Cuban cigar just isn't at its best immediately after it's been made, but it has a tendency to improve as time passes on. You have to know the very tobacco which is often used to make a good Cuban cigar is probably aged for any couple of years prior to being actually blended in to the Cuban cigar. A humidor is really a device utilized to preserve the Cuban cigars in correct temperature and humidity to be able to retain its quality while improving upon the flavour. The situation inside humidor should at all times be maintained under the 70-70 rule which states that both temperature as well as the humidity remain near to 70 constantly to make sure that the Cuban cigars usually do not dry out or decay from excess or lack of any of the two necessary conditions.

Cuban Vegas Robaina - A quality Cuban cigar will almost always be a high quality cigar no matter the very fact be it aged or otherwise. The real difference from the vintage Cuban cigar along with a 'fresh' Cuban cigar would be that the vintage Cuban cigar will taste different once you smoke it as a result of light changes which it has undergone throughout the process of getting older. The delicate changes that occur within a well-aged Cuban cigar are something that Cuban cigar lovers love to enjoy and cherish. It is because of this reason why vintage Cuban cigars are more expensive and therefore are choices the only real selections of some top of the class socialites.

A Cuban cigar might not arrived at any sort of harm to get a very long period if stored beneath the proper conditions and brought well good care of, but, when not stored pursuing the 70-70 rule strictly, then depreciation in quality could occur. If the level of humidity drops in which the Cuban cigars are stored, then you may actually find the Cuban cigars have somewhat dried out. In case you are careful enough to spot this early, then a Cuban cigars can still be saved. Spend some time and humidify the Cuban cigars again by placing rid of it in to a good quality humidor and providing the adequate temperatures required for the method. However, there might be little changes in the overall quality although you may find a way to save the Cuban cigars, but they should not be of a great proportion. Adhere to what they, your Cuban cigars have started to rot as a result of excess humidity, then your poor Cuban cigars are most likely beyond help.

Cuban Vegueros - The decision between your vintage Cuban cigars and comparatively fresher Cuban cigars just isn't exactly of quality, but alternatively of non-public choice and preference. There's not significant amounts of distinction between the quality of a 'fresh' Cuban cigar and an 'old' Cuban cigar, but the subtle variations takes the vintage Cuban cigars a step ahead along with the prestige associated with zinc increases the cost, just like an aged wine.

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