accelerated bsn nursing programs - If you are looking to get involved with the nursing field, but believe you need it done as quickly as possible, try checking into accelerated nursing programs online. As a result of technology along with cultural changes, a growing number of colleges and universities are expanding their nursing departments to incorporate distance learning. So much so that it is will no longer unusual to discover PhD nursing online programs as well. Probably the most impressive may be the Duquesne University School of Nursing in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. So, and never have to leave your house, except for 1 week per year just prior to Thanksgiving, you could attend this Ivy League university.
When looking for a faculty, especially one that's accelerated, do not believe that all programs online are fast track, because the majority are not. Many distance courses take a complete semester to accomplish - just as if you were attending a regular campus. Just one benefit to distance learning is the capability of having the capacity to home based and often all on your own time. Some courses require live online participation, that is far from the truth effortlessly classes all of the time. In other instances, online education affords a student the opportunity to attend a college that could be very distant without leaving their home, for example in the case of Duquesne.
accelerated nursing programs in georgia - Alternatively, not every accelerated programs can be obtained online, as with the situation of Columbia University. However, if you are looking towards earning a professional degree, their program might be the kind that you can are looking. Also, in case you are already being employed as a nurse, only hold an Associate's Degree, it has an option offered at Columbia, which provides students the chance to simultaneously earn both a bachelors as well as a Master's Degree. Their accelerated program is called the BS/MS Admission to Practice (ETP) program and is also area of the Columbia University School of Nursing, whose faculty is comprised of internationally renowned teachers, scholars, and researchers.
Applicants may possibly file their application online for the Combined BS/MS Program (ETP) program. All supporting documents and financial aid applications must be received by November 17 (check website for current year's deadlines). The program begins during the summer time semester - late May/early June. You may even need to contact the director, Karen Desjardins, MS, MPH, DrNP, with questions relating to the Combined Entry to Practice program.
accelerated bsn nursing programs - Columbia University School of Nursing is part from the Columbia University Medical Center, an identity that certainly will lend prestige for your resume. Columbia is distinguished by the clinical excellence of the programs, in addition to their nursing program is not any different. If you are living outside of the U.S., the Columbia School of Nursing can be a part of the planet Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for International Nursing Development, to be eligible to wait. It so happens the Combined BS/MS accelerated nursing program is also offered as a possible exchange program. By the writing want to know ,, this program at Columbia is currently available throughout Central and South America, Africa, Europe, and also the Pacific Rim.